Monday, October 5, 2009

Inspiration from Young at Art - GROUP PROJECTS

The San Francisco Youth Arts Festival "Young at Art" at the DeYoung Museum in May was full of so many creative, inventive and inspiring ideas for art exploration with kids. There were some really cool group projects in the show, including:

This is a fun collage of figure drawings that explores a group effort of depicting a community. A very nice collaborative project!

This carousel was quite clever with a nice variety of fantastical carousel animals drawn on cardstock and mounted on skewer. Assembled together, they pay great homage to the incredible craftsmanship that went into the carousels of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. If I were to do this project, I would change two things . . . 1- have the kids make the figures on tooling foil with sharpies for that vibrancy. 2 - I would make the carousel itself a little larger so each animal could be seen a little easier.

I was pretty crazy about this wire leaf form. It's made from chicken wire and it's woven with strips of construction paper on which text is written. What an incredible way to turn poetry into visual art.

This was a very cool fabric mosaic quilt. What an incredible textile art - and a cool inspiration for a potential auction project?

These sculptures features some very inventive re-use of the school cafeteria milk and juice cartons. These sculptures were kinetic and featured concentric circles that rotated and balanced pendants for a center pole. On each carton, children had illustrated themselves as their past (as babies) their present (their current age) and their future (what they aspire to be when they grow up.)

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