Sunday, October 4, 2009

Inspiration from Young at Art - PAPIER MACHE

The San Francisco Youth Arts Festival "Young at Art" at the DeYoung Museum in May was full of so many creative, inventive and inspiring ideas for art exploration with kids. The following are a few of my favorite PAPIER MACHE PROJECTS that were on display in the show:

When entering the de Young Museum, visitors were greeted with a fantastical bamboo tree covered with hanging papier mache dragonflies. They featured great mixing of media, with tissue, colored tape, fadeless paper and sequins.

These Humpty Dumpty figures were also a fun use of papier mache. With a simple balloon base, these rotund and jolly sprites were give colorful stuffed tube socks for arms and legs.

As with the portraiture on display, Barack Obama was on the minds of our young artists this year. Here's a great 3-D rendition of the President created in papier mache.

These fun puppets feature papier mache heads that use a small plastic bottle as a base. Into the bottle is inserted a dowel and covered with fabric to create the arms and body. (To give extra stability to the body, a second dowel could be fashioned to cross the main dowel to make stronger arms). I liked the use of materials in these projects with the fabrics and yarns - each puppet really has its own personality.

There are some other fun puppet projects you'll find on the blog entry "Fun with Felt."

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